Understanding How Franchising Fees Affect Your Franchise Business Opportunity
If you have looked at franchise opportunities and did some research, then you will have seen the term franchise fee. In this article, we will discuss how franchise fees work, what reasonable ones are and how to analyze your franchise agreement to determine if you’re making a smart decision or not. After reading this article, you will be able to understand franchising fees in their proper context, and improve your chances of entering into a great franchise opportunity.
A franchise fee is what the franchisor charges for use of brand-name. In other words, they leverage all their marketing and advertising dollars and the position they created in the customer mind to command a fee. In exchange for that, you benefit from getting customers who already have a favorable expectation of what your franchise does for them.
The franchise fee is determined by how much the franchisor believes the business system is worth. Naturally, different franchising fees vary depending on the development of brand, the proven track record of the franchise itself, and the system of processes and services that have been created within the franchise.
Sometimes a franchise fee includes training and ongoing support. Typically, if there is a low franchise fee, it generally means that once the transaction is complete, you’ll be on your own when it comes to staff training and support for your franchise. Depending upon your experience in running businesses successfully, this can be good or bad. If you’re good at running a business, then the ongoing training and support are probably something you don’t need. On the other hand, if you’re an experienced, than it might be well worth the franchise fee you’ll pay in order to get the proper support.
Finally, party or franchise fee goes into the advertising and marketing budget of the franchise system itself. If you don’t contribute to the marketing, then nobody can benefit from the branding this marketing creates.
The best way to be confident in exactly what your franchise fee includes, always be sure to pick up the UFOC and any other documents that are available. Before selling franchises, the franchisors are required to submit certain financial documents that outline what support they will be offering. It is important to thoroughly look over these documents, because they include any lawsuits and litigation that has been brought forth to the franchisor since they have been in business. You may be surprised at how little of support is delivered by some of your favorite franchisors. The UFOC is your best bet at seeing exactly how franchisors spend your franchise fee and royalties.
In order to understand if a franchise fee is appropriate, you must do the proper research. Compare it to other competing franchises. Get a franchise lawyer to go over the agreement with you. The franchise fees are relative to the context. Depending upon other parameters in the franchise agreement, franchise fees will vary. By knowing how to analyze a franchise agreement, you automatically know whether the franchise fee is reasonable or not.
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